Welcome to the online scheduling system for Marquette University's Norman H. Ott Memorial Writing Center. We're located on the second floor of Raynor Library and will work with any writer on any piece of writing at any stage in the writing process.
- The Ott Memorial Writing Center offers both face-to-face tutoring in 240 Raynor and remote tutoring via the WCOnline scheduling / tutoring interface.
- You can schedule both 30- and 60-minute appointments. If you're working on a particularly long or difficult piece of writing, we encourage you to schedule a 60-minute slot.
To make an appointment, drop in, call us at 414-288-5542, or log in to your own personal account. Click here for detailed instructions on how to create an account, schedule appointments, and participate in remote tutorials.
Please send any questions to writingcenter@marquette.edu.
If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to call (288-5542) or stop by. We look forward to talking with you.